Cooden Millennium Afternoon Townswomen's Guild

THE February meeting was touch-and-go with the snow.

We cancelled our speaker and to our great delight had another special surprise.

We have three generations of the Barker family in our guild, Nesta, her daughter Kath and her daughter Lisa - who arrived with the fourth generation, five week-old baby Luke Saint.

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Before the meeting started we were thrilled to have a cuddle with this handsome little fellow who never made a murmur throughout the whole meeting.

Kaye Murphy, chairman, opened the meeting and asked for a minute's silence in memory of Mrs Joyce Griggs who had passed away followed by her husband a few days later.

Kaye then thanked so many for turning out on such a cold, wet and gave a special thank you to Mrs Doreen Shields for the birthday cake she had made for January but was herself too poorly to attend. Kaye handed out the birthday cards and in return we were able to give her one.

The minutes of the January meeting were agreed and signed. The secretary gave a special thank you to Gwen Lambert, Maureen Parris and Barbara Lindsay for their grand efforts over the last two meetings with our Christmas and birthday parties. They were given a big round of applause.