Bridal fashion will help Worthing Hospital’s special care baby unit

A BRIDAL-THEMED charity event has become so popular the organisers have expanded it to include a wedding fayre and bridal catwalk show.

Broadwater mum Victoria Paine is hosting the event to raise money for Worthing Hospital’s special care baby unit.

Victoria, who also runs her own charity PARLEY – Parents and Relatives Listening and Empathising with you – will be selling pre-owned wedding dresses on their owners’ behalf, as well as hosting a wedding fayre, at Worthing Dome.

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Victoria’s second child, Charlie, who is now 14 weeks old, needed to spend time at the special care baby unit (SCBU), and her close friend’s baby was recently admitted to the unit.

She said: “Since we came up with the idea of the bridal catwalk show it has just snowballed with so many people wanting to take part and come along.

“We have 50 women who have agreed to sell their pre-loved dresses and wedding accessories and Opulance and Grace bridal shop in Broadwater will be selling another 150 brand-new dresses at very competitive prices.

“The money we raise will buy vital equipment for the SCBU, like resuscitation dummies for staff training, equipment for premature babies, and two respiratory apnoea monitors.”

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The apnoea monitor was essential to Victoria’s son when he was born.

Victoria has teamed up with Worthing Hospital’s Love Your Hospital charity and hopes to raise more than £2,000 for the SCBU.

Victoria added: “This won’t be a typical wedding fayre – we have very unique, small businesses attending across all three floors of Worthing Dome, and anyone who purchases a dress can try it on and take it home on the day.”

The event takes place on Sunday, August 7, from 3pm to 7pm.

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