Celebrating woodland and wildlife through stunning imagery

Stephen DaltonStephen Dalton
Stephen Dalton
The British woodland bursts with opportunities to appreciate wildlife, textures, and natural vibrancy.

That’s why an award-winning photographer, who lives near Ardingly, has published a new book based on his nine-acre woodland in Sussex.

Stephen Dalton, who has 13 other titles, is best known for his high-speed photography of insects and animals.

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The new publication, My Wood, which launched on September 7, is an insight into the diversity of the beauty his broadleaf wood has to offer.

Capturing wildlife the author desires to encourage more people to explore what is among the trees.

He said: “My wood gives the impression that all is well with the natural world.

“It is an optimistic account enhanced by almost two hundred photographs of the plant and animal life that live in it.

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“Sadly though, the state of health within the natural world is mind-numbingly depressing.”

Picture: Stephen DaltonPicture: Stephen Dalton
Picture: Stephen Dalton

According to figures released by The World Wildlife Fund, there has been a 50 per cent loss of wildlife over the last 40 years.

Mr Dalton is passionate about maintaining the beauty available in forests thus manages his 53 acres of home as a private nature reserve.

He continued: “I hope this book encourages people to look at this beautiful woodland environment and gives them an understanding, and a sense of urgency, because, simply put, if we do not act now, our environment as we know it will be devastated.”

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The photo book strikes a positive note about the state of our countryside.


The small patch of woodland is crammed with all manner of wildlife even though nationally creatures are facing decline.

With the UK leaving the EU the author believes there is a new opportunity to make our environmental laws more ambitious and effective.

Greener UK, a new group of activists protecting greenery, has partnered with Wildlife Trusts and other environmental organisations.

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Using his photographic techniques, Stephen shows the reader the rich diversity of plants, trees, insects, birds and animals which live there.


He captures on film the developments his pond and woodland have had over a couple of decades expressing his passion for the space.

This book celebrates all on offer across our countryside and is a promising purchase for all outdoor enthusiasts.

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