
As mentioned last week, the first meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee will be on Monday 18 January at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion. Why not make it one of your New Year's resolutions to take a more active role in the community and go along to these meetings each month and give the Committee '“ all volunteers and many working full time '“ your support, I know they would appreciate it. You could also help spread the work as to what is being done on the behalf of the village and parish as a whole!

Wednesday sees the first meeting of 2016 of the Rosemary Club. The meeting will be in the Parish Hall with the doors opening at 2 pm and the meeting starting at 2.30 pm and the entertainment this month is being provided by the Riverboat Jazz Quartet. The meeting is free to members with subscriptions of £10 for the year fall due this month; however, if you would like to go along it will cost you just £1 to enjoy the entertainment on offer as well as enjoy a homemade tea of sandwiches and cake. The meeting is open to anyone over the age of 18 and if you sign up this month, you will be asked to make a choice of fish or sausage and chips for February’s meeting. If you would like further information about the Club, contact either Helen Arnold (Chair) on 400643, or Joan Cheesman on 01293 525890; Joan is also the person to speak to if you live in village, Slaugham, Pease Pottage, Staplefield or Warninglid and would like to take advantage of the free transport available to get to and from the meetings.

If you are unable to make such meetings during the day for whatever reason, you can always go along to the WI@Handcross’ meeting next Thursday evening, 21 January, also in the Parish Hall but from 7.30 pm.

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Unfortunately due to falling membership numbers, the Institute that used to meet on the second Monday afternoon of each month, has taken the hard decision to close, so if you had decided to join a Women’s Institute this year, it will have to be this one, the WI@Handcross, which meets on the third Thursday evening of each month. I am sure you will be made very welcome so why not give it a go!

Much has been said recently about how the Parish Hall came about; why it was built and how it was funded and such like. In the month’s Parish Magazine (distributed free to every house in the parish) there is a very interesting article taken from ‘The Handcross Scrap Book of the Women’s Institute – 1952’ about how the Hall was built in 1915. I believe there may be a few copies of the magazine to be had in the Hardware Shop (where else?!) if you are interested but have mislaid your copy as it is far too long to mention in full here.

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