High speed forRye is on track

Javelin 3 SUS-140204-120849001Javelin 3 SUS-140204-120849001
Javelin 3 SUS-140204-120849001
THE long-standing dream of dualling and electrification on the Rye line came closer to reality this week with MP Amber Rudd saying she had ‘absolute commitment’ for a high speed rail link.

Amber held a Rail Summit in Hastings on Monday which was attended by Secretary of State for Transport Patrick McLoughlin.

Rye remains one of the only rail lines in the country to be single track and unelectrified.

It creates major problems when trains break down.

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Amber said: “During the meeting we achieved an ‘absolute commitment’ from Network Rail to deliver HS1 in Hastings and Rye.

“Improved rail links are an essential part of the economic growth for Rye. I am ambitious for our success.”

Ray Chapman of the East Sussex Rail Alliance said: “This is a monumental moment, potentially signifying the greatest investment in infrastructure in this area in over 167 years.

“The new direct link would attract many more tourists into the area, improve the economy further and help businesses flourish.”

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The news was welcomed by the Marsh Link Action Group but chairman Stuart Harland cautioned that it could be a very long time-scale.

Mr Harland said: “There is ‘absolute commitment’ in respect of HS1 but it was more to take it to the next stage for full evaluation and funding with works in the next Control Period starting in 2019.

Such a direct train service would significantly reduce the travel time to London from Rye (to 55 mins); Hastings (to 68 mins) and Bexhill (to 78 mins).

“This would encourage investment in the East Sussex coastal area and improve tourist access.

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