
Race Night: The Bonfire Society are holding a Race Night in the Rose & Crown on Saturday 24th March. Horses are on sale over the bar in advance, with an auction on the night for the last race, which has a purse of £120! Bets are just 50p. Race prizes have been generously donated by local businesses. Check out the Bonfire website or facebook page for details.

Quiz: The Bowls Club Quiz Night is also on Saturday, in the Village Hall. Tickets are £8.50, to include a fish and chip supper. Please book with Jackie 252287. Teams of 8. Open evenings for anyone interested in taking up Bowls, will start on Monday 23rd April from 5.30pm.

BST: And summer is on its way! Don’t forget to put your clocks forward on Saturday night! Has anyone told the weather?

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Palm Sunday: We move into Holy Week with Palm Sunday. A collection of non-perishable food and toiletries will be made for Family Support Work – there will be a box by the side door of the church on Sunday morning.

Footpath Walk: The Footpath Group are heading Over the Border on Sunday, leaving the surgery car park at 1.45pm. This 5 mile walk would be a good way to get the blood circulating after too many days huddled in front of the fire – and a nice opportunity to have a chat. Call Janette (366977) for more information – or just turn up.

Budgerigar Society: This month’s meeting of the Budgerigar Society will be held on Monday in the Jenkins Room starting at 7pm. New members are very welcome.

Toddlers: Northiam Tadpoles baby & toddler group meet every Tuesday 9.15 - 11.15am at Pretious Sports Hall, Main Street (the hall between the primary school and nursery.) The session is £2.50 per family (to cover costs) for age 0-5’s which includes a healthy snack for the children, drinks and biscuits for the parents/carers, there are lots of toys out for all ages and finishes with song time.

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Cubs: Our Cub Pack is open to boys and girls between 8 and 10½. Meetings are on Tuesdays at 6pm in Scout HQ Goddens Gill. Contact Akela (Sarah) on 07963 594217, to find out more or to register.