LETTER: What about '˜made in Britain'?

I have heard recently that unemployment is down and people's wages are now above the rate of inflation.

Do you believe that? I certainly don’t.

However, there is one way the Government can bring down the unemployment figures further still.

That is to reintroduce the rag trade back into this country. Yes, that’s right, make our own clothes.

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Why do I say this? Well, a week or so ago I decided to buy myself a couple of shirts. All the shirts in my local shops were made in Bangladesh, India and Cambodia. I thought to myself, “What’s going on? Don’t we make clothes anymore?”It is all very well companies embracing new technology but we need to keep our more traditional ways of working as well.

As for the Government seemingly wanting as many things done on the cheap, don’t they know a cheap product never lasts?