Plans to turn Worthing rest home into learning centre for school children submitted

The property due to be convertedThe property due to be converted
The property due to be converted
A charity has submitted plans to turn a former Worthing rest home into a learning centre.

If approved, they would see the 13-bedroom home in Windsor Road used as an alternative school for ten to 17-year-olds.

The Red Balloon Educational Trust wants to use the site to educate and provide therapy for up to 20 children on site and four online students who may be unable or unwilling to attend mainstream schools.

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The children are described as ‘quiet’ and sometimes ‘anxious’ and they may have been bullied at school.  The charity aims to reintegrate these children into mainstream education or training.

The house was offered to the charity by a ‘generous benefactor’ who lives in the area.

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Floor plans show art and science classrooms as well as five other teaching rooms, several quiet rooms, a therapy room and a canteen.

The charity said that the 12 staff at the centre – fewer than there were at the rest home – would not pose any parking or traffic issues.

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In addition, it said it was ‘confident’ that neighbours would not be disturbed by those attending the centre, saying: “Unlike mainstream schools, RB Centres are by nature very quiet.

“Even where breaks are taken in the garden, our students (who are typically adolescents) prefer to sit with small groups and talk quietly.

“We are confident that noise generated by our activities would rarely exceed that of a typical family.”

Four letters from residents who live near existing Red Balloon centres claim they have not been disturbed by the charity’s activities or those attending the centre adding that they are ‘good neighbours’.

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East Worthing and Shoreham MP Tim Loughton expressed his support for the plans, saying: “I have been enormously impressed with the work of Red Balloon since I first met the founder Dr Carrie Herbert about fifteen years ago in my capacity as shadow Mental Health Minister and then subsequently Children’s Minister.

“Red Balloon is well known to the Department for Education and a trusted partner in this area of support for children and young people. It is a leader in this field which is sadly greatly under-resourced but where the demand has been increasing exponentially and that has been further exacerbated by the pandemic.

“I am delighted that we shall soon have a Red Balloon Learner Centre in my constituency, and this will be an enormous benefit to families from Worthing.”

The agent for the application said that, although there is a case to continue using the residence for care, the fact that it was vacated and not sold on to a new operator means it is unlikely to be used for this purpose in the future.

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