
George Sunderland, Heathlands

Services at St John’s Church on Sunday, November 3 are Holy Communion (BCP) at 8am, Holy Communion at 9.30am, and the Daffodil Service at 4pm, which is an opportunity to remember by name those who have died in the parish in recent years, as well as any others who are specially asked for. Daffodil bulbs will be set aside in memory of loved ones and then planted in the churchyard as a symbol of remembrance. Additional names that you would like to be remembered can be added to the list at the back of the church. Looking ahead, the Social Team is organising an Italian Meal in the Parish Hall on November 16 at 7pm. Tickets are £10 (children £5) from church or from Archers Butchers.

The Friends of Westfield Parish Church hold their AGM in the church on Saturday, November 9 at 2pm. Following the AGM business, Amanda Helm will be talking about ‘Ornithology in Publishing’. Payment of annual subscriptions will be appreciated at this meeting. The Christmas Fayre will be from 2-4pm on Saturday, November 30 in the Parish Hall. There will be the usual stalls, including cakes, cards, books, wooden items, raffle and tombola. Any donations of saleable items or raffle prizes will be most welcome; please ring 01424 754355 or email [email protected].

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Westfield Hub is holding a Quiz Evening for tables of up to six people in the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 9 at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Tickets include a cold buffet and are £5 in advance (£6 on the night) from Thelma on 01424 756204, or call in to the Hub at ‘The Plough’ today or next Friday, November 8 from 10am-12 noon.

There will be a meeting for anyone interested in becoming a Community Speed Watch volunteer, or for anyone who wants to know more before committing. Please come to the Community Hall Dining Room at 10am on Saturday 2nd November.

The Friendship Club meets in the Parish Hall fortnightly on Mondays from 2-3.30pm. There will be a Beetle Drive on November 11, and the Christmas party is on December 9. They would be pleased to see new members, who will be given a very warm welcome.

Westfield Football Club is still looking for volunteers to help, both on and off the pitch. Please get in touch with the Secretary on [email protected].