Sussex Winter Watch: Jordan is a record breaker

Chris Jordan celebrates a wicket during England's IT20 series win in South Africa / Picture: GettyChris Jordan celebrates a wicket during England's IT20 series win in South Africa / Picture: Getty
Chris Jordan celebrates a wicket during England's IT20 series win in South Africa / Picture: Getty
In this week's Sussex Winter Watch, where we take a look at how Sussex players are getting on around the world, we take in a record-breaking moment for one English cricketer, while four Sussex women sign full-time contracts.

Chris Jordan became England’s highest T20 International wicket-taker during England’s third T20 versus South Africa in Cape Town.

Jordan dismissed Quinton de Kock for the third time in three games to reach a total of 66 T20 International wickets, having the big-hitting South African wicketkeeper caught by Tom Curran for 17.

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