Bright colours in Shoreham Airport art show

Ruth Mulvie (contributed pic)Ruth Mulvie (contributed pic)
Ruth Mulvie (contributed pic)
Lancing-based artist Ruth Mulvie says she’s always trying “to find unusual and exciting locations for my art events to get audiences engaged and people talking.”

Which is why she is exhibiting at Shoreham Airport (Brighton City Airport) every weekend throughout May from 10am-5pm.

“Taking art out of a traditional white wall setting and placing it somewhere unexpected is much more fun. I like the way paintings react with spaces. I’m obsessed with swimming pools, and in the past I’ve shown my work outside, round a 1920s pool in Hove with poetry, synchronised swimmers and cocktails. But too much good old British ‘liquid sunshine’ got the better of me this year and I spied an opportunity to do something exciting but indoors and messaged Shoreham Airport on Instagram to ask if I could exhibit. Amazingly they said ‘Yes!

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“I love the airport. The oval upstairs space is called the Whispering Gallery. It’s jam packed with lovely art deco features, like the atrium, and the unusual plaster work and details on the doors. In fact they once filmed some Poirot there and most and recently scenes from The Gold starring Hugh Bonneville.

“My paintings are called In the Air, wild vibrant colourful paintings intended to spread joy. Some are of other popular Sussex Art Deco places like Saltdean lido. Most have planes in them and some are of Worthing like the Pavilion. I think they deserve to be painted because they are packed with charm and colour

“I work from my studio in Lancing. I take trips to gather inspiration but some of it comes from poetry or letters. Often my paintings are surreal and filled with animals. Old photographs are often my initial inspiration for each new piece, a digital springboard atop which helps me dive into a delicious fantasy landscape. For example in the painting which is of the Pavilion in Worthing, I also combine that with an old vintage photo of an elephant walking along the beach surrounded by kids. I’ve included this in the painting. I've had my work exhibited lots in the US. But for these paintings I wanted to make work that connects with people here in Sussex.”

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