Mrs Down's Diary

A WILD goose has taken up residency in the paddock. It appears to be pining for the company of our goslings, although they must be at least a year younger than he is.

The goslings and the Aylesbury ducklings are now free to roam the paddock; the ducklings under the eye of the anxious banties that hatched them out. Perhaps it is the lack of a parental guard that attracts the wild gander. Planning a wild night out with a young gosling. Tut tut.

In the big shed our mallard ducklings have nearly all gone out on to ponds.

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Their growth rate was amazing. We had kept increasing the space available to them and before we went away assumed we had left them more than enough legroom/webbedfootroom to expand into.

Apparently not. Friends looking after them increased their pen space even further until the bulls started looking worried that they might be sharing their yards with a duck or two/three thousand.

Problems can aris