Chichester public toilets to be refurbished

Public toilets in Tower Street, ChichesterPublic toilets in Tower Street, Chichester
Public toilets in Tower Street, Chichester
Public toilets in Chichester city centre are set to be refurbished.

The facility in Tower Street is used on average 289 times a day, which is considered a high level of use in a prime city location, and was last upgraded in the late 1980s.

Last year a total of £80,000 was allocated for a simple refurbishment however extra costs to fix drainage and substructure concerns were identified.

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Meanwhile the disabled facility is too small and if this was a new build would not meet the requirements of the Equality Act.

Chichester District Council cabinet members are due to approve an extra £65,000 from reserves to build a new disabled toilet, refurbish the male and female toilets and tackle drainage issues.

According to an officers’ report due to be discussed next Tuesday: “The proposal is to re-locate the disabled facilities to the front of the building utilising some of the space in the ladies toilets which would allow access from Tower Street.

“The existing drainage connection to the Tower Street public sewer which services the site is original, and, whilst having had some update since then, the drainage now needs a replacement and upgrade.

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“The site is increasingly experiencing issues with the drains, resulting in closures. A CCTV survey will be undertaken to determine the condition of the drains and action required to update and improve.”