EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEERS, WITH HELEN BURTON: Meet our two new ward co-ordinators

Eastbourne Volunteers ward coordinators  Linda Redfern and Judy Procter. SUS-170322-131857001Eastbourne Volunteers ward coordinators  Linda Redfern and Judy Procter. SUS-170322-131857001
Eastbourne Volunteers ward coordinators Linda Redfern and Judy Procter. SUS-170322-131857001
This week I'm proud to announce the appointment of our project's first two ward co-ordinators, Linda Redfern and Judy Procter.

These two lovely ladies will be working in the Meads Ward where our Community Hub is based, collecting information about clubs, groups and organisations, social activities and services on offer. They will be visiting churches and community centres, clubs and groups to find out more about what is available to Eastbourne residents in Meads. If you are in Meads then please give them a friendly welcome, they are there to help promote social opportunities in your ward! This information will be collated and then put on our website, publicised on social media and will be available to anyone calling in to our hub. We believe that the best way to ensure that our community thrives is to make sure that everyone knows what is happening and what is available to them locally. By making it easy for people to find information on how to get involved we hope we can really make a difference and reduce social isolation. Since we have opened a lot of people have visited our hub to find out what is happening in Eastbourne that they can get involved with, whether it’s finding out about the local Zumba class, what free training there is available or what volunteering opportunities there are in Eastbourne! One young man of 87 came to see us because he had lost his wife of 50 years, and he wanted to help out in a charity shop because he didn’t want to be at home by himself. Already we have met several people at the hub who were cut off from their community, and although they may have initially just come in to find out how they can volunteer we have also given them information about places like the Age Concern Venton Centre, Alice Croft House and all of the wonderful social activities available at both venues. We are finding out more about what is happening locally all of the time, and if you run a local club we would love to hear all about it! Anyone can visit our hub and find out how they can get more active or help others over a friendly cuppa. We are open 10am-1pm weekdays and will be expanding our hours as more volunteers come and work with us. Could you spare a morning one day a week? We work three hour shifts in our friendly little hub, so if you could offer some time to talk to people and give out community information we would love to hear from you. Basic computer skills are helpful but not essential. Perhaps you would like to become a ward co-ordinator where you live? We have eight more wards to start mapping, and it’s an easy social role you can do in your own time whenever it suits you. I love volunteering for this project, and if you think you’d like to help us too then email me at [email protected]

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