LETTER: Paying twice for a form of policing

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I am amazed. We have one article in the West Sussex County Times (South Downs edition)telling us that ‘inadequate’ level of policing has ‘let down’ Pulborough and we have another article telling us that the Conservative Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner completely supports the slashing of 500 front line police officers and 200 staff all to ensure her government’s budget cuts happen.

Our Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, says that there will be changes she knows some residents may not feel comfortable with straight away.

I think she totally underestimates how uncomfortable every resident will feel and not only straight away. Already some villages and towns are employing wardens because there is little or no policing.

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This is the option open to Pulborough and one they are considering, however when Sussex residents see the only increase in council tax is the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner element, while policing is being further reduced. We are now paying for our civil protection twice, once for our diminishing police force and again for some secondary form of policing via local wardens.

Cicero stated, one hundred years before Christ, that the safety of the people shall be the highest law. I do not believe this government, with its ‘austerity’ measures that disproportionally penalises ordinary men and women while reducing the safety of both country and citizens, believes our safety is of any concern.

This government appears to be more concerned with ensuring third world dictators and countries with space programmes and enormous armed forces enjoy billions of our borrowed money, while we pay twice to provide some form of local protection and policing.

It is time we had an election so we can change the arrogant, out-of-touch, status quo, change this government’s ridiculous priorities and have our voice heard in Westminster.


Arundel and South Downs UKIP Parliamentary Candidate, Chanctonbury, Ashington