Money and God

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Your letters
In response to Tony Dixon’s letter, ‘God, or money?’ (Gazette, February 19), I would not agree with the suggestion that we are serving money rather than God.

We have a legal duty – which we cannot delegate – to manage church money and maximise support to the nationwide Church, even-handedly across generations, and this sometimes attracts criticism. But I believe we are very responsible investors.

We support Arun District Council’s plan to provide land for new homes to 2031. Following detailed master-planning, we identify that our land, together with adjoining land, could accommodate around 3,000 new homes, open spaces and retail and community facilities and have made representations accordingly.

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The increase has been identified and informed by our technical work, rather than the district council’s, and we will work with them and other stakeholders as the planning process proceeds.

John Weir, head of strategic land investment, Church Commissioners for England

Church House

Great Smith Street


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