
Sedlescombe newsSedlescombe news
Sedlescombe news
LENT LUNCHES: Lent lunches continue today, Friday April 5 with just another two weeks to go , at Margaret’s home, 2 Forge Cottages, The Green from 12 noon to 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome to go along and enjoy a bowl or two of homemade soup with crusty bread at just £3 each. These lunches will continue on every Friday during the six weeks of Lent. A warm welcome awaits you. Last week £106.00 was raised , the proceeds from all the lunches will be donated to Starfish Malawi and Seaview project in St Leonards. Margaret would like to thank everyone for their continued support.

ST JOHN THE BAPTIST FAMILY SERVICE: This is on this Sunday April 7, a family friendly service, at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is no holy communion and as always there will be time for refreshments and friendship afterwards

MAGIC NIGHT EVENT TICKETS: Have you your tickets yet? The date Wednesday April 10 is fast approaching Sedlescombe and District Flower Club will be hosting an evening of close up Magic in Sedlescombe village hall. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start. Enjoy supper and be entertained and amazed by Alexander James, member of the Magic Circle. There will be a bar and a raffle during the evening, so get your family and friends together and come along for an evening out. there are some tickets still available but are selling fast at £15 for this spectacular evening, from Judy on 01424 870344 or Karen on 01424 870177.

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EASTER LILIES: Have you ordered your Easter lilies in memory of loved ones? This is the last week that you will have order these. The flowers are used to decorate the church at Eastertide, what a beautiful way to express your love for a dear person who touched your life. If you would like to organise to have a lily, they are £2 each, either use envelopes at the parish church or please call 870808 or 870688

SEDLESCOMBE BREAKAWAYS: Their next meeting will be on Thursday April 11 at the village hall at 10am . this is your opportunity to try your hand at Easter crafts , cards etc. . you are invited to go along and have ago at making your own personal Easter card. Everyone is welcome at just £1 and that includes a coffee or tea. Cake is available and of course a raffle. Good luck.

PATIENTS INVOLVEMENT GROUP: The Patients Involvement Group have arranged a free event entitled Avoiding Frailty in Old Age. This event will take place at Sedlescombe Village Hall on Wednesday April 17. Doors open at 6pm-6:30pm start. It should last approximately one hour to one hour and a half . Dr Elena Mucci “The Common Sense Adviser is an award winning Consultant at the Conquest and Spire Hospitals. People in old age are important to society, so come along and help yourself and your GP. You will learn how to keep fit and healthy from an expert who is funny, clever and interesting. The presentation will be followed by refreshments. Keep fit and healthy and help your GP and yourself to stay well. For further information contact Rod Eldridge on 870983.

SEDLESCOMBE EXERCISE CLASSES: Exercise continue on in Sedlescombe village hall. There is space available in SEATED EXERCISES every Tuesday. The class starts at 9am.,please check in with Angela, details below. Class length 45 mins. Stay Fit & Active with Gentle Exercises to Music. Enjoy Fun, Fitness and Friendship. For more information please contact Angela,a qualified and experienced teacher, KFA/Extend/Reps/emdp. Fully Insured. Her number is 01797 260396 or email: [email protected]

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If you would like something a little more active then why not try her KFA DANCE MOVES class , again at the village hall on a Tuesday from 10 to 11am. All Adult ages welcome to join this friendly group same details for Angela as above should you require more information.

ARE YOU A CARER ?: News from Rye and surrounding areas Carers Group. Do you support someone who couldn’t manage without your help? Care for the Carers charity holds a monthly carers group at Rye Memorial Hospital, Rye Foreign, Peasmarsh Road, Rye, TN31 7UD. This group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10.30am until 12.30pm It’s completely free, facilitated by one of the charity’s carer support workers and you don’t need to register in advance - just turn up if you can make it. For more info, call Care for the Carers on 01323 738 groups are also held at various locations across East Sussex:

SEDLESCOMBE SPRING FAIR: The date for this year spring fair that takes place on the village green and the Queens Head garden is Saturday May 18. If you or your group are interested in having a stall at the event , the cost is £10 . please contact Reg on 01424 870258

HAVE YOU NEWS ?: If you are looking for new members for your club or organisation why not send me a small piece, outlining your club or organisation aims, activities, membership etc. or if you have an event coming up in the village or local area then why not let me have the details to advertise for you? This is a free service to the village offered by the Battle Observer and hope you will take full advantage of it. Please contact me by email at [email protected] or by calling 870344. Please allow a couple of weeks notice before an event to allow for full coverage.