Eastbourne Beat the Street winners are announced

More than 8,900 Eastbourne people have successfully walked, cycled, run, wheeled, scooted, and rolled a total of 116,639.5 miles in the Beat the Street challenge which finished on Wednesday (November 4).

The winning teams are as follows:

Schools – total points: Langney Primary Academy

Schools – average points: The South Downs School

Community and workplace – total points: Eastbourne Rovers

Community and workplace - average points: Eastbourne Rovers

Small teams: Active Conservatives

Charity: Eastbourne Access Group

The seven-week game saw the whole town become a physical activity game with teams taking part to see how far they could travel.

Langney Primary Academy topped the schools total points leaderboard and they will now win £250 of book vouchers.

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Headteacher Ben Bowles said: “Beat the Street has been fantastic in supporting our Langney Primary Academy motto - Active Body, Healthy Mind.

“Children, their families and staff have taken every opportunity to walk, jog, scoot and cycle around Eastbourne. We have celebrated each other’s successes and this has promoted a real sense of community spirit at this challenging time.

£We will be spending the vouchers on books from sporting heroes and celebrating BAME successful role models and authors. Thank you to all involved at Beat the Street.”

The South Downs School topped the schools average points leaderboard.

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Class teacher Vicky Yates said: “I asked my class what they thought of Beat the Street and they said it was fun and easy and they are pleased we are number one.

“They enjoyed predicting the noises and planning the routes before we went out. As a special needs school we used it to teach road safety and awareness of others and ways to stay healthy.

“We have loved it and will miss our Beat Box walks. Many thanks for this fantastic event.”

Organisers hope to get feedback from participants and a short survey will be landing in email inboxes this week.

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To celebrate the game, players are now invited to share photos of their experiences with the game and to take part in a photo exhibition to showcase the highlights of the game.

Tilly Howarth, engagement coordinator for Beat the Street Eastbourne, said: “Congratulations to all the winning teams and well done to every person who participated. It has been a fantastic seven weeks and wonderful to see the community come together.

“We’ve seen more people and families out walking and cycling between Beat Boxes and we hope the game has encouraged people to rethink how they travel around and that walking or cycling to school or work is a fun, free alternative to using the car.

“The game is also designed to help communities incorporate positive lifestyle habits into their daily routines. Now, during these times of Covid-19, it’s more important than ever to stay active and to prepare your body and immune system against any virus threat.”

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Beat the Street was delivered by Intelligent Health and funded by the National Lottery on behalf of Sport England, Eastbourne Borough Council, East Sussex County Council Public Health, South Downs National Park and eDEAL.