
Whaltington newsWhaltington news
Whaltington news
HELLO: It looks as though Whatlington has woken up from its long winter sleep with lots of news this week. Don't forget to let me have any items you would like included so that the community can become fully engaged and enjoy all the events that are going on round them. Contact me on [email protected] with your news.

PARISH CHURCH NEWS: Our service at Whatlington Church for Sunday 22nd January will be at 9.30 am with Holy Communion and led by our own Rev. Kevin Mepham, as always all are welcome to join us.

Looking forward to Sunday 29th the service will be at 10.30 am at Whatlington and will be a United Benefice service with the congregation from Sedlescombe joining with us. Following the service we are holding a Church Lunch at Leeford Place Hotel, it may still be possible to fit additional people in, so if you are interested phone 772535 for details.

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VILLAGE HALL: It’s good to see the village hall getting more and more use. We now have regular classes of Pilates, Sedlescombe guides, Tai Chi classes, a dog training group and also a counselling group using the hall regularly. A weaving workshop is also running throughout the year with 3 lots of 6 weeks classes. (The Battle Wool Shop). There are also hires for parties through February and the odd hire for a music group to use the hall for practise. A local flower shop is also using it for their Valentine’s preparations. Phew! Don’t forget if you want to hire the hall and car park please contact our very efficient hall booking clerk Mrs Pauline Lyon telephone number 01424 256347 mobile 07523 079373.

FILM CLUB: Whatlington Film Club holds its first meeting of 2017 next week, on Wednesday 25 January at 8pm in The Royal Oak pub.

Last year members saw movies that evoked a range of emotions.

Organiser Steve Turner recalls: “We laughed at Florence Foster Jenkins, shed a few tears at Brooklyn, recoiled in horror at The Revenant and shared the claustrophobia of a mother and her son held captive for years in Room.

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