Here's whether you can travel between Scotland and England under the new lockdown rules

In his Downing Street briefing on Thursday 28 May, Boris Johnson announced that following the latest review into the restrictions, the Government's five tests for easing lockdown had been met.

This means that in England certain changes can come into effect from Monday 1 June, as previously outlined in the Government's 50-page road map out of the Covid-19 crisis released early in May.

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Johnson's announcement followed an address from Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, earlier on Thursday, which included slightly different new measures for liaising outside.

As part of a "careful and cautious" easing of Scottish coronavirus restrictions coming into affect from Friday 29 May she announced that one household could meet with another outdoors, up to a maximum of eight people.

So can you travel between both Scotland and England?

Here's everything you need to know:

What are the new rules in England?

Mr Johnson said that from Monday groups of up to six people can meet outdoors, both in public spaces and in private gardens or other private outdoor spaces.

The Prime Minister explained that this is "provided those from different households continue to stick to social distancing rules" by staying two metres apart.

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Groups from separate homes are still not allowed to gather indoors, and people can only enter other homes if using it to access the garden.

He said: "I know the toll the lockdown has taken on families and friends who have been unable to see each other. We will now allow people to meet in gardens and other outdoor spaces.

"But I must stress, that to control the virus, everyone must stay alert, act responsibly, strictly observe social distancing rules and stay two metres apart from those you do not live with."

What are the new rules in Scotland?

Nicola Sturgeon said she was 'nervous' about the impact of the changes in Scotland (Photo: Getty)Nicola Sturgeon said she was 'nervous' about the impact of the changes in Scotland (Photo: Getty)
Nicola Sturgeon said she was 'nervous' about the impact of the changes in Scotland (Photo: Getty)

Similarly to in England, trans-household meetings can only happen in Scotland in one household's garden with physical distancing in place, and people are advised that they should only meet one other household in the same day.

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The First Minister also said that while people would be understandably keen to visit their favourite local beauty spot, they should turn around and go home if they were too busy.

“We simply don’t want, in this phase, to see large numbers of people at tourist hot spots or local beauty spots,” she added.

Other changes coming in on Friday include the return of non-contact sports such as golf, tennis, bowls and fishing, with more restrictions lifted next week.

Can I travel between Scotland and England?