Ashburnham & Penhurst village voice

Ashburnham and Penhurst book group gets together on Friday May 25. This month, they are reading Dickens’ “Our Mutual Friend”. Their next book will be “A Spot of Bother” by Mark Haddon, (who wrote The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time), and the reviews are excellent. If you’d like to borrow a copy to read, give Nicky a call, you don’t have to go to their gatherings to read the books - just ask Nicky if you’d like to borrow a copy. Call her on 01424 892474.

This Sunday, the Chapel will be holding their Anniversary Songs of Praise, with refreshments afterwards. All are invited to join them in this celebration. If you are planning on attending, so that the organisers know how many to cater for, please would you call Fay Ramsden on 07860 113413.

Don’t forget to fill out the ticket request form for the tea at Penhurst and other Jubilee events over the weekend. For more information about the Jubilee events or copies of the ticket request form please see the special leaflet that has been delivered around the villages. To obtain a copy, please get in touch with Gill Ratcliffe on 01424 892674.

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