Cost-of-living crisis: Hastings wages rise by less than 6% as inflation soars

Average wages in Hastings have risen by less than 6% as the cost of living crisis begins to bite and real wages continue to fall across the UK, new figures show.

Average wages in Hastings have risen by less than 6% as the cost of living crisis begins to bite and real wages continue to fall across the UK, new figures show.

The Trade Union Congress said the new Prime Minister Liz Truss "must get pay rising" ahead of a difficult winter with many households worried how they will make ends meet.

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The latest ONS figures show median pay in Hastings was £1,855 per month in August – up from £1,754 a year before.

It means wages have risen by 5.8% in the last 12 months, just as the cost-of-living crisis has begun.

Nationally, the median monthly wages have risen by 6.5% in the last year to £2,111 in August, but this still represents a real-terms pay cut thanks to soaring inflation.

Further ONS figures show real-terms pay excluding bonuses – taking inflation into account – fell by 2.8% year on year between May and July across the country, among the largest drop seen since records began in 2011.

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TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady said: "Every worker deserves a decent standard of living, and as the cost-of-living crisis intensifies, millions of families don’t know how they will make ends meet this winter."

Ms O'Grady urged Mrs Truss to increase pay packets, including boosting the minimum wage, giving public sector workers a decent pay rise, and allowing unions to negotiate better compensation for working people.

Greg Thwaites, research director of think tank Resolution Foundation, said the only "chink of light" is the slight fall in inflation – which is still close to a 40-year high but eased slightly to 9.9% in August from 10.1% the month before.

It means pay packets might not shrink any faster, though they will not grow in the next year, he said.

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